Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Where's the beef???! (fruit in this case) Devotional on Mathew 7:16-21:

For those of you who remember the old lady in the old Burger Commercial asking,“Where’s the beef???!” It made me think, "What does God think when He sees our lives claiming to be Christians, just like that burger could claim to be a burger....?" So in this case God would be saying, "Where's the fruit???" Mathew 7:16
Dental and Physical exams are performed to detect and prevent harm to the body. A person who has
not had one in awhile, may be developing a harmful if not deadly disease,
without knowing it. The bible tells us we need to examine ourselves spiritually
(2 Corinthians 13:5). We need to perform an honest evaluation of what fruit is coming out of our life, to determine the source (our heart) it is coming from (James 3:11-12).
The bible says that we can know we belong to Jesus Christ because
of His spirit in us (1 John 4:13/Romans 8:16) and because we keep His commands
(1John 2:3). In contrast, it also kindly warns us (so that we do not deceive
ourselves), that if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, or keep His
commands, He does not belong to Christ (Romans 8:9/1 John 2:4).
If I asked you if you belong to Christ, and you said “yes,” if
you were right, then that would automatically mean His Spirit dwells in you. If
that is the case, then it makes sense that the fruit of the spirit (Galatians
5:22-23),will show up in your life as well, since He is in you. I got saved
after reading the list of what is in the fruit of the Spirit because God caused
me to realize through His word that I didn't have it. I prayed the
"sinners prayer" in the past, I was religious. But the reason I
lacked the fruit of the Spirit for so many years of being religious was because
I wasn't transformed by Christ. I had a form of Godliness (in appearance to men,
but God saw my wicked heart's true and selfish desires), but I denied it's
power (2 Timothy 3:5), by contradicting it with my life and thoughts, and by
being ineffective of the fruits of the Spirit .
I learned through scripture and by seeing the fruit in my
life that you are either a "good tree with good fruit" or a "bad
tree with bad fruit" (Mathew 7:18). John calls the hypocrites out (what I
was) in the book of 1 John 2:4. A person
who has just come to saving faith in Christ (“baby Christian”) may be -initially-
confused about what some bad fruit/sins are (gossip, lust, selfishness,
abortion, homosexuality, etc.) for a time, but with growth in God's word it
will all become clear as the Holy Spirit shows them and they will become more
like Christ and will reject the sins they used to accept as tolerable or even
practiced themselves. Someone proclaiming to be in the faith for years and
hasn't picked up their bible and followed it, are deceiving themselves (James
1:22) . You can't grow without God's word in your life (2 Peter 3:18), neither
are you excused in ignorance if you ignore it (John 12:48, Romans 1:20).
What soil are you in as a seed (Mathew 13:3-9,18-23)? Is it
the fertile, life-giving, word of God? Or are you in shallow soil where you
will be scorched? Has your seed (you) died to self and sin in the first place
so that you can transform and grow (John 12:24)? We do not bear good fruit or do
good works in order to be saved (Ephesians 2:8,9/2 Timothy 1:9). We do them
because we are saved! As a seed in God’s soil (His Word), we will naturally, as
a new creation, do good works and bear good fruit (Ephesians 2:10/2 Corinthians
5:17), because the love of God is poured out in our hearts (Romans 5:5) and He
has transformed us in His likeness. Just like you sinned naturally without
being told how (no one taught you how to lie but your sinful nature sure knew
how), you will naturally exhibit Christ's love as a new creation. Go through
the fruits of the Spirit with an honest checklist (Galatians 5:22-23). Do you
have love (not obligation, but love) for God and His people, and love that is
concerned for the lost? By the way if you said 'yes' to loving God, do you keep
God's commands? Because if not, the bible says you are a liar and don't love or
know God (1 John 2:4/John 14:15,21,23,24).The reason why claiming 'love for
God' is not enough is because love is not just an affectionate feeling or
admiration toward another person. If it were, you would have a 'type of love'
for God, but it is so much more, that's why feelings are not enough to show
true saving faith in Christ. If faith were based on feelings, I'd be saved and
unsaved 30 times a day...Also, with the “fruit checklist”; Is there Joy in your
life (which is deeper than a happiness based on circumstances)? Is their peace
(not like 'everything’s ok', but do you know you have peace -rightstanding-
with God and He is not opposed to you? Does that peace comfort you in the midst
of life’s trials? Are you patient? Are you kind? Do you have self-control?
Again, good questions among many others to ask yourself. We should with great
importance, evaluate the fruit we are producing in our lives because the bible
says to examine yourself to see if you are in the faith (2 Corinthians 13:5).
Why would the bible say to do that to someone reading it, surely if they're
reading the Bible they're a Christian right? Wrong (James 1:22). So if you
realize you fall short, humbly bow the knee to the Lord, repent of your sins,
and place your trust in Christ alone for salvation, and not of your own good
works (Ephesians 2:8,9/ 2 Timothy 1:9).
Trust in the work that He did on the cross and rising from
the dead (John 6:29). You can't add to that with your own works (Isaiah 64:4).
Repent (forsake and turn away from your sins and from trusting in your own
effort/self-righteousness/good works for trying to earn salvation) and trust in
Jesus Christ alone for salvation (Acts 3:19-20/John 3:16/John 6:29/Romans
10:9,10). Jesus Christ is the high priest forever (Hebrews 7:17) so you can
come to Him directly. He does not need replaced by any other priest because He lives forever and intercedes for us
as a mediator between God and man (Romans 8:34). Yes, the bible calls God’s
children “priests” (Revelation 1:6), but we can still come directly to the High
Priest Jesus Christ for forgiveness of sin and approach the throne of grace
boldly (Hebrews 4:16). We don’t need a “middle man” to do so because Christ Jesus
Himself is the mediator between God and man. So don't come to a religion, or a
priest (since the High Priest Jesus Christ need not be replaced), but come to
Jesus Christ Himself. Some argue using James 2:24, that works must also be done
for salvation, but the bible can't contradict itself (Ephesian 2:8,9/2 Timothy
1:9) so that must mean context is needed to understand. In context (which is
very important for all of scripture) it is clear that if you are truly saved
then there will be evidence in your life that you have been changed (i.e. good
works, not just say-so). Just as a butterfly's flying (which is natural for it
to do) proves it is no longer a caterpillar or larva and has been changed, a
Christian's good works/upright living and genuine love for God and others, and
keeping His commands, is proof they are no longer a lost sinner and have been
changed. The caterpillar got changed in the Pupa and comes out a butterfly with
new characteristics; It couldn't fly before, now it can and does. The sinner
gets changed in Christ Jesus and comes out a new creation with new
characteristics; You couldn't love God before, or do good works out of a pure
motive of love (not out of religion, pride, or “brownie points” for God), neither
could you bear good fruit. Now, as a new creature in Christ (2 Corinthians
5:17), you can and will do those things and bear good fruit because you are in
Christ, and it is Him working through you (John 15:4,5) with His love in you (Romans
5:5).It is a lot easier to serve out of genuine love put in you by God, then by
legalism and obligation, I have done both so I know. There is freedom and joy
in serving with love, not a big burden like legalism. A new creation
demonstrates its natural traits and does what it does; for example, fish swim,
birds fly, sinners sin, Christians love Jesus and bear good fruit. This is the
good works (evidence) James is referring to. The good works come out of a new
good creation naturally. It 'justifies' the faith you claim to have, just like
racing in a NASCAR race justifies someone claiming to be a NASCAR racer. They
can back up who they claim to be by the evidence, they are justified in that
claim by their works. They still had to be admitted as a racer first by the
way, if you catch my drift (salvation must occur first). Trying to do good
works before the change just brings frustration and religious legalism, not
freedom, but bondage. A caterpillar would be very frustrated if it tried to fly
and would fall and fail doing so, as will you if you try to be like Christ
without having been changed by Him first. I’m not saying you will be perfect as
a Christian, you’ll still sin (1 John 1:8,9/Romans 7:15-20), but you have the
ability to get back up (1 John 1:9/ 1 John 2:1,2) where as a fallen sinner
can’t get up at all until he/she gets saved. 
You won’t be perfect, nor immune from temptation, even Christ was
tempted, yet he never once gave in to it (Hebrews 4:15), but your life’s aim
will be to pursue and be like Christ, not to sin or see what you can get away
with. The late great Adrian Roger’s once said, “saying someone is just a
‘carnal Christian’ is like saying he’s just a ‘heavenly devil’.” Regarding the idea of good works to earn
forgiveness, Ray Comfort gave a great illustration: "If a criminal does
good works for a judge to get his crime dismissed, he has committed bribery and
will be condemned by his very good works he trusted in, if he does good works
for the judge after being pardoned for his crimes, out of gratitude, he is just
doing them out of gratitude as a free man.” That is the difference between one who is
trying to get approval from God by good works while still being guilty in their
sins, and one who has been forgiven and serves out of love and gratitude because
He’s been forgiven, and understands the amazing cost Jesus Christ paid to set
him free and make approved in God’s sight. A murderer would not be overlooked
by a judge because he volunteered in the community and paid his taxes, neither
will a sinner be overlooked because he did good things in Christ name (Mathew
7:21-23). Sin is simply disobedience toward God (1 John 3:4), so regardless of
what you think is sin or not, if it is disobedient to His word, it is sin
regardless of personal feelings or opinion. You may think your sin isn’t that
big a deal because it’s not like you murdered someone, but if you wonder how
serious sin is to God look no further than the cross, if ever a time God would
have overlooked sin, it would have been when His Son became sin (2 Corinthians
5:21) for us on the cross. But He spared Him not, pouring His wrath out on Him,
for He bore our sin (1 Peter 2:24). And if you only committed one sin in your
life, you are guilty of breaking all of God’s commands (James 2:10).Plus if
you’ve ever lusted after or hated someone, the bible says it is the same as
adultery and murder (Mathew 5:27,28/ 1 John 3:15). Who hasn’t ever once lusted
or hated? That is a serious charge on us all. It says if you’re jealous of
someone you are an idolater (Colossians 3:5/Ephesians 5:5), so that means you
have broken God’s law not to have any other god before Him (Exodus 20:3-5). If
you disagree with these charges, don’t take my word for it, look it up, along
with all the other verses I’ve put in parenthesis from the bible in context.
The fact that you will one day physically die is proof you have sinned (Romans
5:12). You may ask why then did Jesus die if He had no sin? It is because He
willingly laid down His life (John 10:17,18) and became sin for us (2 Corinthians 5:21).He could have stayed
immortal, but He had such deep love for us, to save us, that He gave His life
and suffered a death He did not deserve. We too must willingly lay down our
lives and our will to Christ (John 12:25/Luke 9:23), for He laid down His life
willingly and submitted to His Father’s will, are we greater than our master
not to do so, if He is indeed our master? Jesus Christ says, “Not my will but thine be
done.” Satan would say, ‘Not your will, but mine be done.’ You can follow your
will and own way (even if you perceive it to be non-sinful, it is still not
God’s way) like the devil does, but there is a dear price to pay. You can lose
your life now for Christ, or forever in eternity. What is 90 years to trillions
upon trillions of years of (even that is a drop in the bucket to eternity)
burning in hell forever (Revelation 21:8/Mark 9:47,48)? It is the second death.
So imagine burning to death for eternity, God wants to save you from His
eternal wrath carried out in hell, to His eternal life in His Son in Heaven
(John 3:16,17). So if you’re feeling God’s conviction that you may be unsaved,
repent and trust in Him alone for salvation today. He loves you so much He
thought you were worth dying for (John 3:16,17). He did not stay dead however,
He is our risen Savior (1 Corinthians 15:3,4/John 11:25,26), and He will not
turn you away if you come to Him (John 6:37) in repentance and faith (Acts
3:19,20/John 3:36), and call upon His name (Romans 10:13). You may defend
yourself by saying “God loves me just the way I am,” yes He does, but He also
loves you too much to leave you that way. You may also say “I was born this
way”, but God says, “you must be born again” (John 3:3). Regardless of whatever
sin you claim you can’t help doing because you were born with it, we were all
born with a sin nature against God, that much is true, so all of us have the
need to be born again in order to have a righteous nature that honors God. We
inherited Adam and Eve’s corrupt, fallen, sinful nature (Romans 5:12-21) which
brought us physical and spiritual death, and now through salvation in Jesus
Christ we can inherit eternal life and His nature. If you are born again, you
will be a new creation with new desires, and will be free from being a slave of
sin that helplessly gives into it (2 Corinthians 5:17/ 1 Corinthians 10:13).You
will still have temptations, but in Christ you will be able to resist them and
not practice sin. God wants to make you like His Son. That is our goal in life,
to become more like Jesus and do His will. I do not mean to imply that when you
get saved, God will turn you into a robot forced to do His will, but as a new
creation that has been changed with the Spirit inside of you, you will desire
to do His will, and love Him, and honor Him, and live for Him. A loving
relationship takes work. When God has put His love in your heart, you will put
time and effort in that relationship because you want it to grow and endure. So
abide in Him (John 15:4).Get alone with God and know Him intimately (Mathew
6:5-6/Jeremiah 29:12-13). As a new creation, 
your fleshly human desires will still tempt you (again you are not a
robot) to give into your old ways of sin, but now you have power to resist that
temptation that you didn’t have before.
Die to your old, sinful, self (Luke 9:23/Galatians 5:24), and
live as a new creation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17/Romans 8:1). Hope that
helps. -Nathan Glass
P.S.- Crack open your bible or search the verse locations online. Don't take my word for it, read His book. Lol...

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