Tuesday, September 8, 2015

"It's a new wife!"

In America, we trade spouses like new cars. Imagine if the Price is Right game show said, "It's a new wife! The all new wife comes with everything you expected the first one to have, newer body and hair, less nagging, different baggage, and a lifetime of personal fulfillment!" We'd be appalled. Yet that is what people do. They leave and when they get that New Spouse they jump for joy in what they've won, ignoring and despising what they had.

In Genesis 20:3 we read:

But God came to Abimelech in a dream by night, and said to him, “Indeed you are a dead man because of the woman whom you have taken, for she is a man’s wife.”

God threatened greatly a man for coming close to taking Abraham's wife. Notice God wasn't mad because she was -Abraham's wife-, but simply because she was "a man's wife." He hated the thought of a marriage being broken by another person. What God has put together let no man separate.May we regard marriage the same way God does so we are not stricken by Him. Why does the church re-marry unbiblical second marriages? We have ignored scripture, God forgive us and bring us to repentance. Remarrying is only permissible if the first spouse dies or has broken the marriage through adultery (1 Corinthians 7:39/Mathew 19:9). The victim can remarry, it is not a loophole for the adulterer to remarry. I forget sometimes how serious marriage is, with how our society, even in the church, has treated it. Thankfully through God's word, the culture's standards are tuned out of my ear and I hear God's standards through His word. I must take heed to them and not the culture or even the modern church's loosened standards. You want God to speak to you? He already has. Read His word. If you're looking for some 'new thing' or 'revelation' for God to say to you, could it be because you don't like what He has already said in His word? The devil may very well offer you a new word your flesh would like to hear, to have it your way, like he did with Eve saying, "Did God say?" He does that all the time with people trying to justify second marriages in the church. Even so, "Let God be true and every man a liar." 

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